Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Day 2 on the ICW and Bugs Everywhere

Wed. May 15th  Day 2 on the ICW and Bugs Everywhere
In getting ready to haul anchor around 7:30 am, we opened the hatch and the boat was covered with insects - many still alive. They look like a mosquito but they didn’t bite (thankfully) and would fall apart when brushing them off so we found a bucket of water to be the best way to get rid of them. We set off under a bright sunny day with strong winds out of the north at about 15 knots, motored all day through the long straight Alligator-Pongo Canal where we heard that a bear had been spotted at the end of the canal but we never saw it. Upon exiting the canal, the winds diminished making our transit north on the Alligator River pleasant as it can get very choppy.  It is long, wide and shallow, and runs north-south which can make for a lot of short but steep waves in the wrong conditions.  We then crossed the Albemarle Sound and dropped anchor just inside the North River around 7 pm with no one around. Deployed our bug screens and just after sunset, we retreated into the cabin when we heard a sound droning sound and realized that it was from the swamp bugs swarming outside.  So as not to attract any, we kept the lights off and turned in early.

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