Thursday, April 4, 2019

Westward Sail Through Current Cut to Current Settlement, Eleuthera

Despite promises of retrieving a valued clothes pin lost overboard last night, Harry opted to pass on retrieving the clothespin in favor of hauling anchor as the air was cool first thing in the morning and the wind had picked up from the SE. We’d have liked to stay another day as the anchorage was pleasant but with SE winds and given we’d already had a somewhat sleepless night due to the boat rocking, we decided to move on.  Our next destination we knew would be Current Cut/Current Settlement and we knew we needed to time our arrival/passage through the cut with the outgoing tide, which would last only through late morning, so we hauled anchor around 8:30 am.

On our way out of the anchorage, we passed the Glass Window where we could see water pouring over the rocks through the ‘Glass Window’ as extra large waves crashed from the Caribbean side to the bank side at high tide - pretty cool. It was pretty quiet when we went by but here is a look at how exciting it can be.

We then sailed across the shallow bank to the western most part of Eleuthera passing through the Current Cut with about 3 knots pushing us along with the outgoing tide.  Once through the cut, we turned north a few hundred yards and anchored in sand and the calm waters protected from the ESE winds. We opted to stay on-board as it was overcast and we had a brief rain downpour.  Around 4 pm, we went ashore and walked Current Settlement - the town of about 40 homes seeing no one save the friendly librarian Sue, who we stopped to chat with and learned how she is dependent on a charitable US organization for all the books in her small library.  She offered us to select a book from the shelves to keep but we declined as we still have plenty on board to finish.

The Current Library

Sue the librarian

Typical settlement houses in Current

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