Thursday, November 4, 2021

Southward for … Onion Rings in Deltaville, VA. Nov. 4

Good northerly winds helped move us along from Look Out Point in the Potomac about 40 miles due south to Deltaville, VA  - a small community geared towards sailors. Sails were set wing on wing and after seven hours, we pulled into the Jackson Creek and the southern entrance to Deltaville and to the marina to take on diesel, water, and most importantly, a pump out as our aft holding tank was full (thankfully we have a second head and holding tank to use in instances such as this). Collin, a young man helped us and noted that for a small fee ($11), those who anchor out can take advantage of their shore facilities. It was an easy decision as a hot shower after not having one for five days sounded delightful as well as use of their car to run to the local grocery store for fresh produce as we were down to our last clementine. We hustled to get Juno anchored and return to shore before 4:30 pm when the marina closes for the night only to discover that the car wouldn’t be available until the next morning but they could offer us some bikes. So we opted to take out the bikes but once on the main road, there wasn’t a shoulder or sidewalk so we just rode to the northern entrance to Deltaville off the Rappahannok River by way of some back roads and through the outdoor portions of the Deltaville Museum devoted to local history and back to the marina before it got dark around 6 pm.  Being thirsty and chilled to the bone by this time, it was an easy decision to go inside the Deltaville Tap Room and Raw Bar, conveniently located at our marina where the heat was on and to enjoy a drink and to warm up (temperatures were still in the 40’s).  We considered ordering dinner but as we had plenty of food on the boat, we settled on an order of onion rings inspired by the aroma of rings at the table adjacent to us. We reluctantly left the warmth of the Tap Room and returned to Juno for an easy and quick veggie burger followed by time planning our next move made difficult by the gale force winds forecast to arrive over the next several days. Bundled up in long Johns and hats and climbed under our four layers of covers for the night.


Deltaville Harbor
Out on the courtesy bikes provided by the marina

The swap library at the (warm) boaters lounge


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