Saturday, November 6, 2021

An Unusual Winter Storm Stalls Southward Progress. Nov 6-7

As forecast, an unusual winter storm off of Jacksonville, FL is creating 20 -30 knot winds out of the north in our area. Having experienced a blow of slightly less than this yesterday, we decided to stay on anchor for at least the next two and possibly three days in  the Severn River as Bryant Bay/School House Point offer good protection from the northerly winds.  Saturday was spent doing laundry, cooking dessert treats of tiramisu, rice krispy treats, and shrimp & sausage gumbo for dinner, and catching up on our blog.  Saturday night we watched and listened to the Michigan vs. Indiana football game which had a positive outcome ending 29 to 9 in Michigan’s favor. Harry does the lion’s share of the editing, capturing photos, editing videos, and matching the text to the photos while I do much of the writing. We also discussed our options for moving southward, even considering rounding Cape Hatteras in the Atlantic as we have learned that a bridge at mile 5 on the Intracoastal Waterway (the inland waterway that offers protection) will be closed until Tuesday at 11:00 am. With such a late start, we think it best to wait until Wednesday before beginning the ICW. However, this storm with it’s gale force winds, is kicking up seas of 10-14 feet in the Atlantic which is definitely more than we are willing to subject ourselves to. So, we made the most of sitting on anchor in a desolate part of Virginia and no where to get off the boat.  


Another intense low creating gale and storm force winds

Harry working on pictures for the blog while laundry finishes drying


  1. Be careful with this unpredictable weather! We are looking forward to seeing you in Savannah!

  2. Be careful with this unpredictable weather! We are looking forward to seeing you in Savannah!

  3. Be safe in this unpredictable weather! We are looking forward to seeing you in Savannah!
