Monday, March 11, 2019

Snorkeling at the Grotto Staniel Cay, Head Woes, and Oven Rock Cave

Returning to the site of the grotto in James Bond’s “Thunderball” with Katie and James we experienced the thrill once again of swimming into a big enclosed room surrounded by rock on all sides with a ceiling 18 feet above with a small hole letting some sunlight through, filled with fish fish and … tourists.  Good news is that the tourists come, they look for 15 minutes, and then leave whereas we lingered, had the grotto all to ourselves and this time saw a lionfish while snaking our way through the rocks. 

Back on Juno, James who seized every opportunity to snorkel, opened our eyes to a huge starfish that was right under our boat and then a huge sting ray swimming by. Katie then noticed a smell emerging from our head, and as luck would have it, we discovered we had exceeded the limits of our holding tank. Never a good symptom to have but Harry got right to work and after a pump overboard the situation was mitigated with no lasting foul smelling effects. Thanks Harry. 

We then stopped about 5 miles south at “Oven Rock” on Great Guana Cay where a short 10 minute hike inland led us to a subterranean cave the size of a house filled with salt water at the bottom with small 3 inch pink shrimp. James and Harry each swam 15 feet or so into the deep waters while the less adventurous Katie and Sarah just waded a few feet in. Back at the ocean beach, we walked around a 20 foot the rock shaped like a beehive oven for which the Cay got it’s name.

Ray passing by Juno's keel

Cave near Oven Rock

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