Friday, March 15, 2019

Friendly Iguana Feeding on Leaf Cay and Blow Holes and Rainbows on Boysie Cay

Glad that the winds finally subsided, we heading down to Leaf Cay for a day stop to do some snorkeling but sadly, we didn’t find it to be productive.  However, the iguanas on Leaf Cay were much more welcoming and calm than those on Bitter Guana Cay so we fed them vegetable scraps without being chased.

Iguanas on Leaf Cay

Moving back out onto the sound, we sailed down to Rat Cay Cut and stopped at Boysie Cay that had a most inviting sandbank and beach.  James, Katie and Sarah swam to the white sandy shore while Harry stayed behind on Juno.  On shore, we found a path that led to the eastern side of the Cay where the wind and waves combined with the high tide creating “blow holes” in the rocky shoreline that spewed a fine saltwater mist with each incoming wave and making a bellowing sound. The sunlight was such that many times, a rainbow could be observed in the blowhole mist. Boysie was a beautiful small cay but as it didn’t offer great protection from the incoming swells, we moved up to Children’s Bay Cay for a calmer night on anchor.

Boysie Cay resident curly tail lizard

Katie and James checking out a blow hole

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